Want PROOF Psychics Are Real? Do THIS! (But Don't Overdo It)

Who else is looking for genuine PROOF that psychic abilities are real? Do you find yourself wondering if all of the amazing experiences you see on TV, or read about in books are true?

Maybe everyone who has an exceptional psychic "adventure" is just making it up, or really gullible, or just is more prone to believing the impossible, rather than critical analysis?

How about all of those people who speak to psychic mediums and really believe they are communicating with their loved ones who have passed on? Isn't that more likely to be the byproduct of wishful thinking, rather than real afterlife evidence or psychic skill?

And how about people who have precognitive dreams, or feel deja vu, or have had the experience of seeing, hearing or even speaking to spirits themselves? This TOO must be the byproduct of an overactive imagination, right?

If any of the above sounds like YOU, the simple truth is, you aren't alone. As a matter of fact, before I had my first serendipitous experience with a telephone psychic medium almost 20 years ago, I was the biggest "skeptic" and psychic cynic in the world.

The funny thing?

I had no personal experiences to base my beliefs on. I was simply skeptical of anything that sounded too good to be true.....or anything that sounded silly, or too new age or nonsensical. And to my limited life experience at the time, anything psychic, or having to do with an afterlife, or paranormal was simply too good to be true and I discounted it right away.

When people would tell me psychic stories?

I'd either think they were making it up, or were way too imaginative, or just got it wrong. When I think back to how sure I once was.....and think about what I now do for a living as a paranormal writer and publisher, you could have never convinced me that THIS would be in my future!

I'm going to share with you the SECRET to becoming a believer that psychic abilities are real, but that there are indeed people who can not only tell you where you've been, but can also shed light on where you're going. On top of that, there are many gifted spiritual psychics and mediums who CAN give you first hand evidence that not only is the afterlife real....they can give you personal proof that YOUR loved ones are there.

This is exactly what changed my own mind......and started me on the path I'm on today.

The secret?

Stop reading books. Stop watching psychics on TV. Stop listening to skeptics, cynics or people who tell you it's all silly.

And START seeking out your own psychic experiences which can give you the ONLY type of evidence that counts.

Personal experience is the only way to know something firsthand, and when it comes to exotic adventures like psychics, mediums and paranormal events, it's really the only way to be certain.

My one psychic experience with a telephone medium, for example.......was worth far to me than 100 articles that told me it was true. It was worth far more than 100 episodes of watching the very best psychic mediums on TV. Because when you watch or read or listen to the experiences of others, you may become more curious......but you'll never be convinced.

Only overwhelming evidence, provided through personal experience can give you PROOF.

Why do I say don't "overdo it"?

Because in my own first few years of researching this stuff, I literally became a psychic "junkie", spending tons of time, travel and money seeking out the next, best psychic experience. And while that IS a ton of fun, unless you get super lucky like me and can turn it into a professional path.......it CAN be addicting!

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