New Age Movement

The New Age spiritual movement that started during the latter part of the twentieth century draws on both the eastern and the western metaphysical and spiritual traditions to create a newer philosophy that has no borders or confining dogmas about it. New age also incorporates aspects from the holistic health principles, the parapsychology, motivational psychology and even self help principles. In this spiritual movement it is believed that the mind, the body, and the spirit of an individual are intertwined with both science and spirituality.

During the early days of the New Age movement two entities were founded that played key roles in the development of what we recognize in the movement today. These were the Esalen Institute that is located in California and the Findhorn Foundation that is located near Findhorn, Moray, Scotland.

There were several events that happened to bring about an increased public awareness of the movement and the New Age subculture that existed. The first of these events took place in 1967 when the Broadway musical "Hair". The opening line in the opening song of this musical is "This is the dawning of the day of Aquarius" and that line alone reached out and touched more people.

The next biggest things to influence the public opinion of this movement were the publishing of such books as "Sun Signs" by Linda Goodman, and" Love Signs" by Miss Goodman. Then Shirley MacLaine wrote the book "Out on a Limb" to which people were privileged to a screenplay being written of and a television mini-series was produced about it.

The basic beliefs of this New Age movement is that there are gods, and angels, and ascended masters, and ghosts, and Spirit guides that can people if the individual will only open themselves up to the guidance from these extraordinary beings. This spiritual group holds no set beliefs on the what will happen in the afterlife and allows individuals to form their own conclusions on what will occur to their spirit after death.

Some individuals believe that after death has occurred to the human body the person will move on to a higher plane of understanding and consciousness, while others believe in reincarnation of your spirit into another life form. All people are allowed to believe freely dependent solely on their own observations and their own perceptions of the things they see, hear, and do.

It is widely believed among the members of this movement that children are being born into this world with a higher level of understanding than past generations had and that this is partly to do with the New Age movement and development. Spiritually and mystically this group of believers may be more evolved than any group that has come before them.

Rachel Hindle is a Reiki Master and writes for the psychic & metaphysical industry, promoting the discovery of the personal spiritual path, and recommends the following sites:

Psychic phone medium reading mediums
Online psychics

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