Inexpensive Psychic Readings - 3 Amazingly Easy Ways to Talk to a Psychic For $20 or Less

Who else is interested in getting a psychic reading but doesn't have a big budget to blow? Have you been watching the recent deluge of famous psychic mediums on TV, and wondered how YOU could get a reading like that as well? Or maybe I used to be.....and like millions of other people are right now, you are CURIOUS but not convinced, and want to have your own experience to get proof that this "psychic stuff" is even real? In this article we are going to take a quick and easy look at how you can get an inexpensive, enlightening and entertaining psychic reading for a fraction, of a fraction of the price you'd pay to see someone "famous", but without sacrificing quality at all. Ready? Let's take a closer look below!

First, understand THIS, because it's 100% true:

I've had hundreds of psychic experiences in my own life.....both personally, and professionally alike. As a psychic and new age publisher, I've had the pleasure of investigating psychic phenomena for a living, and that has been a wild, wacky and wonderful experience I wouldn't trade for anything under the sun!

My favorite reading of all time literally only cost me $18, and was with a phone psychic I had never heard of before that day.

My worst reading? It was with a celebrity psychic, where I waited weeks for the appointment, had to travel a great distance, and cost well over 4 figures overall. It was so bad......I almost asked for a refund 20 minutes in, and looking back at it now, I really wish I would have.

Here are 3 super simple ways to get an inexpensive reading that CAN be a life changing experience like mine was, and a whole lot of fun to boot.

Spiritist Churches:

First, this is NOT a religious thing. (I'm Jewish, so certainly there are no requirements to enter!) Spiritism is actually a "movement" that bases itself on teachings that emanate from psychic medium communication. It's very well known and practiced very widely in Brazil....and as a matter of fact, recently, both Oprah Winfrey and Dr. Wayne Dyer both brought a lot of attention to the Spiritist movement by visiting "John of God", a very famous healer who "channels" spirits to do psychic energy medicine. The good news for you? There are spiritist churches in most major cities, and all have psychics and mediums who are active parts of their congregation, and who do readings for members as part of the service. (or at Church functions)

Believe it or not, there are also SPIRITUALISM churches in most cities as well, which sounds the same, but is totally different that spiritism.....and they also have live readings available to their members and visitors on a regular basis.

Both sound "exotic" but are very cool to experience, and highly recommended if you are looking for inexpensive readings from professional psychics and mediums.


I've mentioned this before, but I belong to several psychic meet ups in my local community, and this is a great way of getting cheap readings, and making friends with folks who share your PASSION for psychic and paranormal ideas and events. In South Florida where I live, there are about 10 unique organizations that offer monthly events, and you can really have just about any type of psychic experience you want, for a great price. (most under $75)

Phone Psychic Readings:

Still my favorite approach, from a cost, quality and convenience standpoint, you can't beat a genuine psychic reading by phone. There are now many phone services that defy the silly hotline stereotype that skeptics push on us, and I've had many world class psychics and mediums give me amazing information by phone, for a fraction of the price those readings would cost in the real world. (including even using the other approaches mentioned above) Of course you DO need to do your due diligence, and only pick psychics and services who have solid services, legitimate credentials, and great guarantees.

The bottom line?

While shows like the Long Island Medium excite many people.....the average person can't afford $500 an hour to speak to a celebrity psychic. The above approach, a great way for ordinary people to have extraordinary psychic experiences, and have a ton of fun along the way!

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