How Mediumship Readings Work And What To Expect

Before clarifying what to expect in a medium reading, it is essential to be aware of what a medium actually does. Essentially, a medium is able to form a connection between the living and those who have passed on into the afterlife. Many seek out a medium reading in order to help them come to terms with the loss of a loved one, while others wish to resolve issues or ask questions the dear departed has left unanswered. In any case, the medium will act as a bridge between the realms of the living and the departed and act as a conduit of messages to be passed on.

How successful a medium reading will be depends on a variety of factors. Fear, disbelief or resentment on the client's part can seriously hinder a medium reading, and it is important to enter a reading relaxed and with an open mind. Secondly, the mediums own condition will also affect their ability to establish a connection. Mediums are human, too, and being tired, distracted for some reason or generally unwell will hamper their ability to work effectively just like any other professional. Last, but by no means least, is the spirits' willingness to communicate.

Spirits can not be summoned up on demand, they, too, have to be willing to communicate in order for a connection to be established. Occasionally, spirits other than those desired will try to make contact. A person may wish to speak to old Aunty Bess to say goodbye, but Uncle Bob comes through instead to warn of an impending danger, for instance.

In any case, a medium reading may begin by the medium entering a relaxed state or perhaps a full trance. More often than not, a medium will either perform two readings or split a session into two parts. The first part, or the first reading, is typically taken up by evidence to prove the presence and identity of the spirit contact has been established with. This usually involves transmission of information only the client and the departed spirit have access to and may evoke long forgotten shared memories, character traits of the departed, favorite colors, foods, smells, a specific piece of music or something similar.

Occasionally, it may be necessary to verify some of the information provided at a later stage. For example, in one reading, a client was repeatedly reminded of a strong connection to Yorkshire, UK. Unaware of such a connection, this client decided it was all probably nonsense. On discussing her experience with her family the following day, she was told that her mother-in-law's departed grandmother was born in Yorkshire, a fact she had until then be unaware of.

Rachel Hindle writes for the psychic & metaphysical industry and offers fact based unbiased advice and overviews.

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