Discovering The Star Sign Pisces

The star sign Pisces is one of the most difficult for astrologers to categorize. Individuals born under this sign can be mercurial and unpredictable. Pisces is the twelfth and final sign in the zodiac and is symbolized by the fish. The glyphs used to symbolize star signs often reveal something about those signs.
So what can we glean from the use of the "fish" to represent this star sign?
Well, the fish moves with a waving or undulating motion and is conscious of being caught or restricted. These characteristics also apply to many Pisces people!
Due to the influence of Neptune (which rules Pisces) these people are idealistic, altruistic and sensitive. Because of this, Pisceans usually possess artistic talents so it is no surprise that the list of famous Pisceans includes the actors Bruce Willis, Rob Lowe and Jessica Biel. However, there is a negative side to Neptune as well.
Those under the influence of Neptune may be prone to procrastination. They may also be seen as dreamers who are impractical and over reliant on what they want to happen rather than seeing things as they are. Naturally, this can be a positive trait also, since many idealists have changed the world for the better.
Often moody themselves, they may also be hampered by the tendency to absorb the emotions of those around them. Consequently, they might find themselves on a swinging pendulum between optimism and pessimism, happiness and depression.
A further problem may be that anxiety and feelings of vulnerability surface whenever they doubt their place in the world. On the positive side, these people are usually tolerant and have a compassion for all living things. Pisces can exude its own brand of charm and may attract many good friends who find their company refreshing.
Career matters are often a source of stress for Pisces. These natives can often be indecisive when it comes to choosing a vocation. Compounding this may be a lack of self-confidence so that the individual feels unworthy of pursuing something they might want to do.
The Pisces people are highly romantic, which goes hand-in-hand with their innate idealism. They are good partners as they do not shirk from responsibility and are able to put their partner's needs ahead of their own. Indeed, the Fish has a deep-seated aversion to going through life solo. Fortunately, their loving nature gives them a good chance in the realm of relationships.
That said, it may not be easy for a partner to keep track of the fluctuating Piscean nature. In a few moments, an optimistic frame of mind can be swapped for a gloomy disposition. Typically, when questioned about this melancholy, they'll be unresponsive. This is something that the partner of the Fish gets used to and doesn't assign too much importance to the vagaries of the mind.
Now that we have a good grasp on where the Pisces person is coming from, it is easier for us to appreciate their unique nature. These personalities can be uniquely gifted, and bring much to society if given the opportunity.
Brooke is the webmaster at star sign traits. To learn about Pisces traits, and all the other star signs you are welcome to visit our blog.

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