Am I Psychic? How to Develop Your Psychic Powers WITHOUT Going Crazy (No Bull)

Who else is curious whether they have genuine clairvoyant abilities? Do you sometimes feel different, or special or gifted in some way that other people don't? Have you ever had a series of experiences that were SO strange...that you were 100% sure that something NOT quite "normal" was going on?

The truth is, I remember my first really clear psychic experience like it was yesterday. I know this is going to sound far fetched to some of you, but I literally had a hyper lucid dream, where a co-worker appeared to me, in my bedroom and in the middle of the night and told me everything would be okay.

I remember waking up and thinking...what the heck was that all about? I rubbed my eyes, went back to sleep and didn't think about it again until I arrived at work in the morning to find out that my co-worker (who was in a working in an office over 1000 miles away on the opposite side of the country) had died of a blood clot in the middle of the night.

Later, with this experience as the backdrop and motivating factor, I began to diligently work on developing my OWN psychic skills and abilities with pretty astonishing results.

Remote viewing and spontaneous out of body experiences became a pretty normal occurrence, after a few years of practice.

I started having precognitive dreams on a very regular basis
I began to have what I call profound "spiritual" experiences, where I've had very clear communications with loved ones who have crossed over, and all sorts of other apparitional, and energetic experiences I couldn't possibly communicate to you in this one short article.

The truth is, I believe that EVERYONE is psychic.

You. Me. And each and every cynic and skeptic who thinks all of this stuff is impossible.

The secret to developing your OWN psychic abilities?

Believe it or not, it begins with belief! Opening your mind and heart to the power of possibility and potential is the very first step to allowing in, whatever it is, that wants to appear in your awareness.

So many of us shut ourselves out from the messages and mandates that the universe WANTS us to hear, simply because we're distracted, focused on the noise, or simply don't believe that it's out there at all.

I know this sounds odd...

But when I really started to pay attention, and became fully conscious for the first time of what my intuition may want me to notice, the amount of intuitive insight, and inspiration that started to come through was dramatic and impossible to ignore.

Speaking to a psychic, and a medium on a weekly basis, and getting my OWN readings from a real professional, allowed me to exponentially improve my own psychic abilities in ways that I can't even begin to understand. OI literally went from getting readings, to GIVING readings that other people truly loved, in a matter of mere months, I began to take my own psychic potential seriously. (even though I'm still not NEARLY as good as those I speak to myself)

And lastly, focusing on quieting my mind, visualizing and simply being present, opened up a clairvoyant channel into a stillness, or a field of information that some psychic believe, and I was taught, that ALL "truths" live.

The good news?

There is more and more empirical evidence that psychic abilities are not only true, but that cultivating them can have a PROFOUND, and exciting affect on your ability to enjoy life as well. For example, recent scientific studies have PROVEN that people who believe in the idea that we are spiritual happier, healthier and LONGER lives as a result. People who pray or believe in something BIGGER than themselves recover better from disease and disorder. And we all now know that your THOUGHTS are an important part of your overall health, and that our minds DO affect our bodies. (something that just 20 years ago was considered taboo)

The last frontier is reserved for the esoteric adventurers and psychic pioneers. Begin with BELIEF and a desire to expand your own consciousness. Connect with other clairvoyants and gifted empath's. And then, with that too guide you...dive in and discover your OWN expanded INFINITE awareness, it's the coolest, craziest and most fun adventure THIS world has to offer, I promise!

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