2 Questions EVERY Good Psychic Can Answer (And The ONE Question Most Won't)

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What are the most common questions people ask during a psychic reading? Are questions about love, romance and relationship most often asked? What about death, disease and afterlife oriented issues? Are they things that most psychics can answer, or are they issues that are too exotic or controversial for most? And what sort of questions are best for proving that a reader is even REAL in the first place? Is there a way to ask test questions to verify that the reader is even gifted in the first place? If you've ever had interest in speaking to a psychic but didn't know what to ask....this article was written with YOU in mind! Curious to know more? Continue reading as we take a closer look!

The 2 questions every psychic SHOULD be able to answer?

After 15 years of studying psychics both personally and professionally alike, I'm going to share the 2 questions that are not only great to ask, but SHOULD give you an instant idea how good a reader is as well. DO note though.....I'm not telling you that every psychic, clairvoyant or medium will agree on these answers. I'm just telling you that they SHOULD have a strong opinion, and they should be able to answer your questions without hesitation. (even if I don't always agree with the answer)

Spiritual Questions:

A recent informal industry survey reported that about 94% of all professional psychics have deep spiritual or religious beliefs. Most psychics have a very clearly defined view of what they perceive as a Universal Intelligence (or God), an afterlife and so forth. I have yet to meet a good psychic who does NOT have an opinion on what happens when we die.....and you should expect to be able to ask this without reservation. Again....you may not always agree with the specific worldview of the reader, but it should be an answer that holds spiritual truth for you as well.

Passion, Purpose and Path:

Said differently, the vast majority of psychics believe in karma, cause and effect, and the idea that each of us is here to grow, evolve and develop as spiritual beings. Most tarot readers that I use, for example....believe in past lives, future lives and the idea that the Universe always is giving us symbols and signposts about what we should be doing, and how to get there. These symbols are reflected in the cards, and the readers job is simply to obverse, interpret and intuit. All mediums believe in an afterlife....and that your passion and path is often guided by those in the spiritual realms.

NOT knowing your true passion in life, or being on the path to accomplish your authentic mission is akin to being asleep, or unaware, and both are things that a good psychic can help awaken in you, when you are ready.

The ONE thing never to ask a psychic?

Don't ask when you are going to die! I can't tell you how many readers have told me over the years how uncomfortable this question makes them, and how they cringe when they hear it. Often, they'll tell me it's a sign of emotional and spiritual immaturity as well.......and can ruin a reading before it begins, especially when people blurt it out right away. Remember, a psychic is NOT a simple crystal ball, and there are lots of things that go into a good reading. While a reader may see an end of life issue for you.....unless they are certain, and unless it is something avoidable and soon, the truth is, it would be unethical to share.

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