Uranian Astrological Forecast for the Beginning of Spring

I want to wish my readers a Happy Passover and or a Happy Easter. Mercury is now direct and I am late again... astrology to blame! First Mercury stationed to go direct April 3rd and 4th. Now on the 6th of April, I am preparing myself to go to a Passover Seder and since the first Seder night falls on the Sabbath we won't eat till midnight.
Enough about me now back to the astrological aspects.
Happy full Moon semi-squaring Neptune, it is a good thing that the stock market are closed today, because if it were open there would have been some bad deals made.
On the positive side many of you will be relaxing and enjoying a long holiday weekend as Jupiter will be on the cardinal axis. Its semi-square to Hades will have many of you will be dealing with old traditional holiday rites and ceremonies. On April 9th Mercury will be 22 ½ to Neptune, I do not think much work will be done on that day, but there will be many mistakes made if you are not careful due the Mercury Neptune. Then on the 10th Pluto will station retrograde and the mistakes made during the Mercury retrograde period will begin to come to light. Especially since Saturn will be at the midpoint of Jupiter and Uranus. On the 9th and 10th Venus will be semi-squaring the Sun, optimism will rule the day and the market could most like go up.
Late afternoon of the 10th and all day of the 11th Jupiter + Hades = the Sun, there could be big financial losses so be very careful how you handle your money, remember the IRS is looking for their pound of flesh. On the 12th Venus will be at the midpoint of Jupiter and Hades, look at what you think is garbage but you could discover some old relic you were ready to discard may be worth some money. It could be a good day to visit some flea markets and come away with something better than fleas as Jupiter will be midpoint Sun and Venus plus Mercury and Uranus. Mercury + Uranus = Jupiter could suddenly bring some very good news.
Next we move on to Friday the 13th, Mars will be stationing to go direct 22 ½ to Mercury, walk away from confrontations, for at the same time Vulcanus will be at the midpoint of Sun and Saturn. There could be deadly road rage or major eruptions due to frustrating situations. It will be a good day to hide ones head in the sand. On the 14th Uranus + Hades = Sun, this is a good day to have an astrology reading and/or have an astrology lesson. On the other hand it is a day to stay in bed with your head under the covers because this combo could produce some very nasty events in the world as Hades is on the cardinal axis.
Arlene Marcia Nimark is, and has been a full time astrologer since 1980. She has a level IV certification from NCGR, and is on the faculty of New York City Chapter of NCGR. Since 1982 her specialty is in Uranian astrology. She is one of the few who use the full system, 360 degree with it's multiple house systems for intense analysis of the individual, and forecast with the use of the 90 degree dial. Arlene has lectured at UAC' 92, 95, 98, 02 and 08, plus many local as well as National NCGR conferences, the SOTA conference in Toronto, Canada, and at some AFA conferences. She has also done numerous workshops through out the USA, and Mexico using this dynamic system of astrology. http://www.amnuranianastrologer.com/

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