Is Destiny Real? How to Live a Life of PASSION and Purpose (The Spiritual SECRET to HAPPINESS)

Are you happy? Do you feel truly fulfilled and authentically empowered by the life you are living right now? Do you believe in the power of purpose, and do you feel a KARMIC connection to the adventure of being alive?
The sad truth is...MOST people are not. As Henry David Thoreau once so famously said..."most men lives lives of quiet desperation.with the song still in them."
And what could be sadder than that?
I believe in the idea of destiny. That we come into this world to accomplish very specific things. That we are here to face, and overcome specific challenges. And that much of this is "written" before we set foot or forth in the amazing adventure of being alive.
As a gifted intuitive (and a big of a new age "nut" as well!) I believe that the KEY to being happy is simple:
To find something big to believe in. Something that transcends our sense of self. A powerful purpose that serves some greater good that influences all of the lives around us...and hopefully, EVERYONE we touch as well.
As Thoreau said...most people "die with the song still in them" simply because they never listened closely enough to the voice within.
I believe that your personal destiny is embedded deeply in your soul. That there is a spiritual component to each of our lives, and the unpacking that, and revealing what it is BEFORE it's too late is the key to being happy, fulfilled and complete.
Even more importantly on a selfish level?
NOT understanding or fulfilling your destiny is a recipe for having to repeat it again. According to many spiritual traditions, what the soul does NOT accomplish in this lifetime, he (or she) must come back and re-learn or re-try again next time. Some believe that THIS is the true definition of "karma" and the continuous wheel of suffering that so many people keep repeating, simply because they never awaken to the idea that their lives have a powerful purpose.
If that sounds like YOU, it's not your fault.
So many of us are so overwhelmed with obligations, responsibilities, commitments, distractions and disappointments that we never stop to listen to that small voice within.
That voice that believes in something BIG. (simply because we know deep down our destiny is to do great things. Maybe small things...but GREAT things nonetheless)
Within the seeds of understanding all of the above, true happiness lives! That much I can promise you from personal experience. It wasn't until I had the experience of embracing my own "big idea" did I truly feel like my own life had purpose. That karma was not a weird word used by new age nuts. Instead, that each of us is on a journey, with a very big prize at the finish line. (it's simply up to us to discover what it is, and where we're going...before it's too late!)
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You DESERVE to be Happy! Discover Your Destiny...Today!

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