Find The Best Psychic Medium Reader

Finding a good psychic medium reader is not as impossible as it may sound to begin with. The first step is to ask around among friends, work colleagues and family members. It is quite surprising how many people consult a medium reader on a regular basis, and personal recommendations will quickly reveal where to find the best ones.

Visiting a medium reader at a psychic fair is another option, but should be a step taken with caution. While there are many genuine individuals out there, seeking to help people with their gift, there are also many who will take advantage of those in need of help. This sadly also applies to those advertising their services on the Internet. Fortunately, it is possible to check out most of the results brought up within a search quite easily.

The majority of genuine sites will typically list their readers, complete with a brief description of each individual's area of expertise, their experience and often a little personal information on the reader. As a rule, client testimonials will also be easily accessible. Services are generally offered via telephone or live reading via chat or video chat facilities.

It is also possible to find sites where independent individuals have gathered information on readers and reviewed them honestly and without bias. By visiting these sites and taking a look at what these individuals - often initially sceptics who have come to realize that a great number of readers are genuine - have to say, it is possible to find a good medium reader recommended here.

Newspapers or magazines often also carry adverts for readers. Here, too, a medium reader can usually be checked out via a website. More often than not, a website will be listed as a contact option, and even if this is not the case, it is normally possible to find some information on the Web by typing the name of the particular reader or group a reader belongs to into the browser search bar.

In any case, it is often possible to have an initial chat before agreeing to have and pay for a reading. This makes it possible to determine whether it will be possible to create a rapport with a medium reader, which is quite important if a reading is to be successful. It also provides an opportunity to get a feel of how genuine a person is. If replies to questions are vague and open up more questions than they answer, it may be a good idea to try elsewhere.

Generally, a good, genuine reader will answer questions happily and will do his or her best to explain what they do, what to expect from a reading and so on. It is also a good idea to ask how long a reading is expected to be and how it will be charged for. The clarity of answers here will also help to decide whether choosing this reader is a viable option.


Is the Afterlife Real? 5 Stunning Types of "Paranormal" PROOF That May Change Your Mind

Who else is skeptical about the afterlife? Do you believe that life after death is just a man made myth? Is the idea that our loved ones live on after the death of the body just another piece of wishful thinking and small minded silliness the gullible want to believe because it FEELS good? And if there really IS life after death...where is the proof? Where is the evidence? Does it exist...or is it a new age fairy tale? In this article we are going to take a quick and insightful look at what I believe is the very BEST type of afterlife evidence that there is, and I'll share what I believe is the very BEST way to get personal proof yourself.

Curious? Let's take a closer look below!

After Death Communications (ADC's)

This is the broad general term in parapsychology for any apparitional encounter that is vivid, meaningful and interactive. About 40% of all people will have one of these types of experiences at least once. Some of these are VERY, very vivid...and often turn complete skeptics into true blue believers when they occur. Most people liken these to ghostly experiences, although in my view, the very BEST documented cases (of which there are thousands) are much more evidential than merely meeting a ghost.

Verifiable (and Accurate) Past Life Memories

Remembering a past life is one thing. Being able to document these memories in vivid detail, and later being able to verify elements of what you remember with facts is another. Entire volumes of scholarly research has been written about reincarnation and past life recall. If you believe them, they obviously point to the continuation of the soul, spirit or human personality after physical death.

Death Bed Visions

Did you know that Dr. Elizabeth Kubler Ross, the woman who singlehandedly launched the hospice movement and wrote the seminal book on end of life care for the terminally ill ("On Death and Dying") spent the last years of her life documenting what she called death bed visions, or the incredible experiences of people who spoke of being visited by loved ones, going into a bright and beautiful light, and having detailed discussions about the afterlife with beings no one else in the room could see...up to their final breath.

Many of these people were previously comatose, or had dementia or Alzheimer's disease and were totally unable to communicate, other than these incredibly lucid conversations. President Ronald Reagan reportedly woke up after his long struggle and had one of these experiences. According to the eulogy offered by his sister, so too did Steve Jobs. (she claimed he suddenly woke up...and repeated "Oh Wow" 3 times before he passed away)

These are very common, very well documented and quite often, offer revealing information that no one else in the room previously knew...making the argument that they are hallucinations hard to believe.

Near Death Experiences

Everyone knows about near death experiences today and with the amount of media attention they get, it's no wonder. The truth is, while many people argue about what is really happening, there are many, many cases that suggest that something DOES leave the body at death, and that whatever that is (the soul or spirit or pure consciousness) continues on after the body and brain cease. I believe NDE's will eventually prove that the human being IS in fact a spiritual being in my lifetime...and many surgeons, scientists and spiritual seekers are doing experiments to test this today.

Psychic Mediums

Quite simply, in my mind, there is NO evidence that it as overwhelming and interesting as that which is offered up by psychic mediums. The truth is, no matter how much the skeptics want you to believe they are making it up, or guessing, or cold reading or simply just lucky, when someone you've never met, or by phone, offers up detailed information about a loved one you have lost, in a way that you KNOW in your bones they couldn't guess, it changes your life forever.

The truth? My own personal experience with a medium rocked my world and shook the very foundation of everything I under 45 minutes of actual "talk" time. She told me things about a family member which were not only amazingly accurate...she actually told me things I didn't know to be true, but went home and documented immediately thereafter to my stunned surprise. These weren't random guesses either...but things she told me my family member wanted me to look for, and low and behold, important documents I thought were lost, were recovered within hours of the reading.

Quite simply, whenever I hear people argue that "all" psychic mediums are guessing or cold reading or just pretending and the whole topic is silly....I think back first to that amazing reading that changed my life, and then to the years of fun I've had exploring and embracing the magic, the mystery and the GIFT of life ever since!

Want PROOF Psychics are Real? Do THIS! (But Don't Overdo's addicting!)


Inexpensive Psychic Readings - 3 Amazingly Easy Ways to Talk to a Psychic For $20 or Less

Who else is interested in getting a psychic reading but doesn't have a big budget to blow? Have you been watching the recent deluge of famous psychic mediums on TV, and wondered how YOU could get a reading like that as well? Or maybe I used to be.....and like millions of other people are right now, you are CURIOUS but not convinced, and want to have your own experience to get proof that this "psychic stuff" is even real? In this article we are going to take a quick and easy look at how you can get an inexpensive, enlightening and entertaining psychic reading for a fraction, of a fraction of the price you'd pay to see someone "famous", but without sacrificing quality at all. Ready? Let's take a closer look below!

First, understand THIS, because it's 100% true:

I've had hundreds of psychic experiences in my own life.....both personally, and professionally alike. As a psychic and new age publisher, I've had the pleasure of investigating psychic phenomena for a living, and that has been a wild, wacky and wonderful experience I wouldn't trade for anything under the sun!

My favorite reading of all time literally only cost me $18, and was with a phone psychic I had never heard of before that day.

My worst reading? It was with a celebrity psychic, where I waited weeks for the appointment, had to travel a great distance, and cost well over 4 figures overall. It was so bad......I almost asked for a refund 20 minutes in, and looking back at it now, I really wish I would have.

Here are 3 super simple ways to get an inexpensive reading that CAN be a life changing experience like mine was, and a whole lot of fun to boot.

Spiritist Churches:

First, this is NOT a religious thing. (I'm Jewish, so certainly there are no requirements to enter!) Spiritism is actually a "movement" that bases itself on teachings that emanate from psychic medium communication. It's very well known and practiced very widely in Brazil....and as a matter of fact, recently, both Oprah Winfrey and Dr. Wayne Dyer both brought a lot of attention to the Spiritist movement by visiting "John of God", a very famous healer who "channels" spirits to do psychic energy medicine. The good news for you? There are spiritist churches in most major cities, and all have psychics and mediums who are active parts of their congregation, and who do readings for members as part of the service. (or at Church functions)

Believe it or not, there are also SPIRITUALISM churches in most cities as well, which sounds the same, but is totally different that spiritism.....and they also have live readings available to their members and visitors on a regular basis.

Both sound "exotic" but are very cool to experience, and highly recommended if you are looking for inexpensive readings from professional psychics and mediums.


I've mentioned this before, but I belong to several psychic meet ups in my local community, and this is a great way of getting cheap readings, and making friends with folks who share your PASSION for psychic and paranormal ideas and events. In South Florida where I live, there are about 10 unique organizations that offer monthly events, and you can really have just about any type of psychic experience you want, for a great price. (most under $75)

Phone Psychic Readings:

Still my favorite approach, from a cost, quality and convenience standpoint, you can't beat a genuine psychic reading by phone. There are now many phone services that defy the silly hotline stereotype that skeptics push on us, and I've had many world class psychics and mediums give me amazing information by phone, for a fraction of the price those readings would cost in the real world. (including even using the other approaches mentioned above) Of course you DO need to do your due diligence, and only pick psychics and services who have solid services, legitimate credentials, and great guarantees.

The bottom line?

While shows like the Long Island Medium excite many people.....the average person can't afford $500 an hour to speak to a celebrity psychic. The above approach, a great way for ordinary people to have extraordinary psychic experiences, and have a ton of fun along the way!

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Palmistry Uncovered

Palm reading is the most frequently used term when people are discussing the action of someone foretelling the future of another individual based on the lines or images they can see in the other person's palm of their hand. This is also known as palmistry, and it is called chiromancy, and sometimes it is called chirology. You will find this activity to be performed in different areas of the world. The people who have the skills and the knowledge to read the lines in your hand are called palm readers, and hand readers, and palmists, and hand analysts, or they can be called chirologists.

When you go to someone for a palm reading you will need to know that the information they gather from the left hand and the information that they gather from the right hand will more than likely tell them different things about you and help to form their predictions of your future. The left hand of your body is controlled by the right side of your brain. The right side of your brain is the portion that controls things like the understanding of relationships, and the ability to recognize patterns. This portion of the brain is thought of a s more receptive than the left side is and is considered to be more feminine because of this. It is frequently considered to be the part of the brain that controls the spirituality of a person.

On the other side are the controls for the right hand. The left side of the brain controls all of the logic and the reasoning that a person does. Language skills are located on the left side of the brain. This section is perceived as being more masculine because it is more outgoing and basically dominates the other portion of the brain.

When a palm reading is being done the person performing the art will read the left hand of people who are predominantly left handed and the right hand of people who are predominantly right handed. It has often been said by these professionals that the left hand is the one we are born with and the right hand is the hand that we created through our own choices and actions.

Sometimes individuals have been heard to say that the left palm is the one that God gave you and the right one was what you did with the gift. Each of the represents a portion of cognitive awareness as well, the one on the left is more attuned to the subconscious while the one on the left deals more with what is perceived by the individual consciously.

There are different methods of palm reading and interpretation so most of the things that are done during one will depend on the palmists that is telling the future for you.

Rachel Hindle is a Reiki Master and writes for the psychic & metaphysical industry, promoting the discovery of the personal spiritual path, and recommends the following sites:

psychic reading
online psychics


The Science Of Astrology

Astrology is actually based on the relationship that is perceived to exist between the stellar bodies and our planet earth. Primarily it is concerned with the stellar bodies that can be found in our solar system. This would include the sun, the moon, asteroids, and comets, and in some instances the fixed stellar bodies that are outside of our solar system.

The majority of people are familiar with sun sign astrology. This is of course the type that is connected with the sign of the sun under which you were born It is a very simple form, and the majority of astrologist will tell you that while this form is amusing and often fairly accurate in describing the personality traits of some individuals, it is actually a type of astrology that produces results that are limited at best.

In order for an astrologist to give you readings that is very accurate and detailed they not only need to know when you were born, they need to know what sign the different planets were in at the exact time of your birth. The planets and the signs they were in at this time are combined with other elements like the houses and the angles so that the individual may be given such detailed information as their future prospects.

There is not just one basic form of astrology that is used and applied by all people. Different cultures have different versions of this belief. In the western hemisphere alone the different types of astrology are very diverse in the methods in which they are applied and the philosophies in which they teach.

Some of the differences are the fact that the philosophy of the version is based on the end result the person wants to achieve with the knowledge. When a person is looking at all of the stellar alignments to make predictions that are relevant to the affairs of the world, and the economies of the world, this is known as Mundane Astrology.

When the predictions the person is making has to do with the specifics and analysis about the objectives of a particular person's life or the events they are likely to have in their life it is known as Interrogatory Astrology.

The common type that most people think of when they hear the term is the Natal Astrology that has to do with the sun sign you were born under. The philosophy of this type of astrological readings is often referred to as the Law of the Beginnings. This is because the principle philosophy is based on the belief that all things that are going to happen to a person are connected to the very moment in time when they entered into the world.

Rachel Hindle is a Reiki Master and writes for the psychic & metaphysical industry, promoting the discovery of the personal spiritual path, and recommends the following sites:

online psychics
